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همه ترجمه ها - esracan_84

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2 درحدود 2 - 1 نتایج
زبان مبداء
این درخواست ترجمه "فقط معنی" می باشد.
انگلیسی 2 INTRODUCTION The resonator is key to the design...
The resonator is key to the design of an oscillator. The loaded Q determines the phase noise performance of the oscillator. The oscillator frequency will determine to some degree the type of resonator eg At microwave frequencies resonators can be coaxial or microstrip and at low frequencies the resonators are almost always made up of lumped components.
This tutorial gives design data for various types of resonator.
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ترجمه های کامل
صربی 2 UVOD Rezonator je ključan za dizajn...
ترکی 2 TANITIM
زبان مبداء
این درخواست ترجمه "فقط معنی" می باشد.
انگلیسی While many courses have successfully achieved...
While many courses have successfully achieved their objectives, many others have been subject to student and faculty criticism, frequent course revision, discontinuation, and faculty turnover Withsome exceptions, the same limitations and critiquesdirected toward undergraduate medical education holdtrue for graduate medical education as well

ترجمه های کامل
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